About Dance It

“The moment is everything.  

Don’t think about tomorrow; don’t think about yesterday: think about exactly what you’re doing right now and live it and dance it and breath it and be it.”  

Wendy Whelan 

Inspired by the above quote, this project will commission a new dance work in an experimental collaboration between 4 diverse artists for a brand new community dance group based at Marina Studios. The new commission will be performed locally and a film of the work will be screened in several locations and online. 

Alongside this, DanceHub will provide training for young dance leaders and provide professional development for the dance artist team.    

Over 6 months our partnership will:

  • Deliver 6 sessions of dance leader training
    12 people receiving qualification and 10+ accessing online content
  • Deliver 16 weekly dance classes
  • Commission 4 emerging talent choreographers and support with training and mentoring – open call recruitment, chosen by a panel of dance experts 
  • Artists deliver 9 creative dance sessions co-create a new choreography
  • Mentoring for artists and an emerging Producer  

Application forms and more information can be found here.


More information about the partners is here:

Marina Studios



Photo: Voices of Motherhood Rehearsals by Katy Clarkson