© New Adventures & SDN, Photo by Graham Carlow of ‘Doorstep Duets’ programmed by SDN, 2022



Get Involved

Sussex Dance Network (formerly Brighton) formed in 2018 to create a person- to-person, connected dance scene to elevate and advocate for independent artists and facilitate conversations. It is our ambition that together through collaboration and creative and cultural partnerships we can lead the way to make changes to our sector that will enable longevity and sustainability for artists, dance and wider communities.

We are an open network of contemporary dance artists creating and promoting dance opportunities in Brighton and Sussex for both professional dance artists as well as dance lovers and enthusiasts.

A group of people dancing stretch both arms into the air.

© Ben Brooks

A group of dancers pose for a photo.

© Katie Dale-Everett

An outdoor performance is happing as a crowd watches in front of a block of flats.

© Martin Sinnock

Our 2022 3 Day ‘Doorstep Duet’ Tour with New Adventures…

Reached Participants & Audiences

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© Flavia Catena