In this class, we will look at the way we use hands as extremities and how they connect to the rest of our “CI body”: to use the usual sophistication of our hands to be made available to the whole of our body, get into and increase some functional aspect of our hands for them to embody some animalistic useful qualities, getting in contact with a partner and into our landing gear (expect non-bending arm), and open up to fun and light options for dancing in and out of contact.
About Anne-Gaelle Thiriot
Anne-Gaëlle Thiriot is an experienced contacter who works as a dancer, performer, teacher and maker across UK, Europe, the USA and South America. She has trained and worked with Charlie Morrissey, KJ Holmes, Rick Nodine, Simone Forti, Simonetta Alessandri, Annie Lok, Julien Hamilton and Nancy Stark Smith among many others. Most recently she has taken part in the last two editions of GLIMPSE in Seattle and Salt Lake City, researching and performing the Underscore led by Nancy Stark Smith.
About our CI sessions
Contact improvisation is an open-ended exploration of two or more bodies moving while sharing physical contact. By offering a regular space for learning and practising the form we aim to gather and share the evolving practice of contact improvisation and its practitioners. As there are different approaches to learning and practising CI classes would vary. All classes are led by experienced teachers from inside and around the region.
- Classes are led by an experienced CI teacher for 1.5 hours and are followed by a 1-hour jam session. (the jams are unguided to allow time to play around with ideas taught during the class )
- Jams start with a 30 minute guided warm-up leading to a 2 hours unguided jam. This session is designed to allow time for free exploration of the CI practice.
Both sessions are open to all levels and no previous experience is required.
For more details on what contact improvisation is, please click here
Sundays, 1.00 – 3.30pm (please arrive at 12.45 for a prompt start and feel free to leave at any point during the jam)
Brighton Ki Centre, Ground Floor Studio, 12 Queen Square, Brighton, BN1 3FD
(Near the Clock Tower & at the top right corner of the square, under the DV8 sign).
The dojo has a padded floor.
- Class – £10 (£9 concessions*/SDN members)
- Jam – £7 (£6 concessions*/SDN members)
*Concessionary rates apply to full-time students and those who are unemployed or have a low income.
There is no need to book any of our sessions in advance and we take cash only.
If you have any questions, please contact
Date(s) - Sunday 24 November, 2019
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Brighton Ki Centre