© Anna Marie Des Clayes & SDN, Photo by Ben Broos of ‘Trails of Migration’ tour (ABCD Alternative Tours), 2022.

This project, developed by Anna Des Clayes in partnership with Voices in Exile, engaged members of the refugee, asylum seeker and migrant communities in Brighton in a series of creative workshops combining dance, storytelling, and reflection. Together, on the tour, they explored experiences of Brighton from a different point of view. Participants collectively created an immersive performance event, inviting audience members to be guided on a personal and alternative tour of Brighton.

Important note: With respect to the intimacy and privacy of the stories being told on this tour, places were by invite only.

Two women are copying the shape of the Brighton Pavillon with their arms.
Two women look at work exhibited on the wall.
A group of people dance with their hands above their heads.

“I felt a great positive energy in my life. I remember my childhood days. I enjoyed it a lot.”


Find out more about the project here!

SDN Team:

Curator and Executive Producer: Katie Dale-Everett

Producer: Joël Cottrell

Project Assistant: Amy Robyn-Lysternn

Marketing Co-ordinator: Alice Leverton

Commissioned Collaborators:

Lead Artist: Anna Des-Clayes

Creative Artist Assistant: Lorraine Yu