Grab a coffee and join us on zoom for a fun, free, relaxed, wellbeing meet up. Time to connect, chat, listen and reflect creatively. Led by Stuart Waters (dance artist), Viv Gordon (theatre maker/mental health activist) and supported by Joy Griffins (psychotherapist).
The Head:On:Conversations Cafe is delivered in partnership with Sussex Dance Network and is part of Head:On:Conversations – Stuart’s ongoing work to encourage change, support wellbeing and promote mental health access and inclusion for people working in dance.
When? 16th November & 14th December @ 10:30 – 11.30am
Where? Zoom (a link will be sent 1 hour before start time)
Who for? Everyone! (If you can only make one cafe, you are still welcome to attend).
How do I sign up? Register your interest on the form below and a zoom link will be emailed to you.
How much? FREE
This event is now full. New dates for January and February will be available to book shortly.